
Digital Archive of Polish Folk Art

The project focuses on photographs from the collection of the former Department of Folk and Non-Professional Art at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IS PAN). The photographs document various aspects of Polish folk culture, including architecture, handicrafts, art, rituals, and dances. The discussed collection, currently housed in the Photography and Measurement Drawings Collection of IS PAN, was previously accessible only in the form of catalog cards. Thanks to funding obtained through the National Recovery Plan (NRP), a set comprising 1,000 catalog cards with accompanying photographs has been made available for educational and research purposes.

The project supported under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Component: Resilience and Competitiveness of the Economy; Investment A2.5.1: Program for Supporting the Activities of Entities in the Culture and Creative Industries Sector to Stimulate Their Development; within the framework of Agreement No. 497/KPO.GRANTS/NIMiT/2024 concluded with the Supporting Unit – the National Institute of Music and Dance.

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