Terms of use

Repozytorium Cyfrowe Instytutu Sztuki PAN (The Digital Repository of the Art Institute of The Polish Academy of Sciences) is an archive of digital objects, which, in accordance with the Protection of Databases Act of July 27, 2001 (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 128, Item 1402), is a database and is subject to protection under this Act. Digital objects available in The Digital Repository of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences and their copies may be used without the consent of the owner only in non-commercial projects, in accordance with art. 8, pt. 1 of the Protection of Databases Act:

It shall be permitted to utilize the substantial part, evaluated qualitatively and/or quantitatively, of the contents of the database that has already been distributed:

1) for personal use, but only with respect to the non-electronic contents of the database;

2) as an illustration, for didactic or research purposes, with the indication of its source, if such use is justified by the non-commercial purpose to be achieved; and

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Any repeated and systematic downloading or derivative use that does not meet the standards of regular use and causes an unjustified violation of producer’s legitimate interests is not permitted.

The use of a digital object on private or non-commercial didactic, scientific and research websites may take place provided that the address of the website on which the publication is used is sent to repozytorium@ispan.pl. The website owner is obliged to place on it information about the source of the object and the URL address which is the identifier of the publication.

Copies of source files for commercial purposes are available for a fee. The amount of fees for the obtained copies is governed by the price list for reprographic services available at: http://www.ispan.pl/cennikmin.pdf

Information on ordering copies of materials from the Collections of Photographs and Survey Drawings is available at: http://www.ispan.pl/pl/zbiory/zbiory-fotografia-i-rysunkow-pomiarowych.

For all other collections, please contact: repozytorium@ispan.pl.

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